Smile Makeover; Orthodontics (Braces), Composite restorations and Ceramic Crowns!

Dr Taft has extensive knowledge in both Orthodontics & Restorative dentistry.
With this case he was able to offer an exhaustive approach to this complex treatment plan.
There are many contributing factors to consider when undergoing comprehensive dental treatment to ensure the treatment is right for you.
A multi-tiered approach was taken to give this Patient the best long-term results.
This Patient had severe wear to his teeth due to his bite coming together edge to edge & acid erosion from diet (soda)
Over the years he had lost several millimetres from all his teeth making them appear short & thin and chipped.
Over a 12-month period the patient underwent orthodontic treatment to correct his bite in conjunction with dietary analysis & advise to prevent further erosion down the track.
Once the teeth were not banging together edge to edge the braces were removed.
Dr Taft started the Restorative work.
His lower teeth were built up using composite resin (white filling material)
Then finally his 10 upper teeth were restored with Ceramic Crowns. The crowns were made using CAD CAM on-site while the patient laid back in comfort and watched Netflix.
This is an awesome transformation that the Patient & Dr Taft & the whole Northshore Dental Team are proud to show you.
This treatment is not recommended or necessary in all cases where acid erosion and severe wear is present. Each Patients needs is different and Dr Taft would need to assess each patient individually.
If you would like to know more about how to treat worn teeth, ceramic crowns, orthodontics or for general enquiries please contact the Team at Northshore Dental & Oral Health to arrange a consultation with Dr Taft or any of our wonderful Practitioners.