Can I use my superannuation for Dental Treatment?

Can I use my superannuation for Dental Treatment?

Superannuation For Dental Treatment


If you are suffering pain due to the condition of your teeth?

Or are you are lacking simple daily function such as being able to chew your food properly?

You may be eligible to use your Super to pay for dental implant treatment. Book a consultation with our dentist to find out if you qualify.

You will need to provide evidence to the government that you are experiencing acute or chronic dental pain.

Super for urgent Dental treatment

Easy process to apply

Step 1. Contact us Ph. (07) 54 487 849 or

Click HERE to request one of Helpful Team to contact you 

Step 2. Book your Comprehensive dental consult with one of our experienced Dentist for $75

Step 3. We offer you face to face support  throughout the application process


While it is possible to apply for early release of your superannuation for dental treatment, it is important to understand that there are strict eligibility criteria set by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) that must be met in order to access your super early.
The ATO allows early release of superannuation on compassionate grounds, which may include Dental treatment expenses that are not covered by insurance and are deemed necessary to improve your quality of life. You will need to provide evidence from a Health Care professional supporting the need for the treatment and demonstrate that you have no other means to cover the expenses.
We can help you contact the ATO directly to understand the process and requirements for early release of superannuation for dental treatment. It is important to consider all options and implications before accessing your super early to ensure you are making an informed decision about your financial future.



For the month of April, we’re offering a gap free examination, and a $199 clean and polish!

Offer valid until April 30th, new patients and any existing patients that have not been to the practice for over 12 months are eligible.
April Special
April Special
For the month of April, we’re offering a gap free examination, and a $199 clean and polish!

Offer valid until April 30th, new patients and any existing patients that have not been to the practice for over 12 months are eligible.