We would like to reach out to you all during this difficult time to assure you that we are monitoring the COVID-19 situation very closely and taking all necessary precautions to protect the health and safety of you, our patients, and our own staff.
While infection control standards have always been incredibly strict within our practice, we are taking extra precautions during this time. As well as adhering to all government health advice, we are implementing additional measures to boost our already high standard of infection control and hygiene.
These include:
Additional hand sanitiser on entering the New building and throughout the practice with alcohol and antiviral hand rub for both patients and staff to use
As health care professionals we have mandatory testing and isolation for any of our staff who present with any type of flu symptoms
We also enforce the mandatory two-week isolation for any staff who will be returning from overseas on or after 13th March 2020.
Limitations of sprays where possible
Using anti-bacterial mouthwash prior to a procedure
Implementing additional antiviral surface cleaning in the patient lounge and clinics throughout the day
Further training with all the staff on correct hygiene technique for COVID-19, In accordance with Australian Dental Association and the Australian Government health guidelines.
How to Wash hands
When making your appointment or on your arrival we will conduct verbal screening:
We will ask you:
Do you have Fever or history of fever AND acute respiratory infection?
Had Shortness of breath or cough or sore throat?
Severe acute respiratory infection without fever requiring hospitalisation?
Travelled to overseas in the past 14 days?
Had close or direct contact in 14 days before illness onset with a confirmed or suspected case of 2019-nCoV?
Had a Temperature greater than 37.8° C?
We also ask that our patients help us in the fight by practicing their own best health and hygiene practices – we all have a role to play in reducing the spread of the virus to those who are more vulnerable.
At this moment we are operating as normal and would like to apologise in advance if your appointments may be affected in the future by this developing situation.
In some other countries that have higher infection rates than Australia, some dental surgeries have had to close and only provide emergency dental care. We hope this will not be the case for us, but we have plans in place if that eventuates. We will always be here to help if you experience a dental emergency.
We would like to thank everyone for your continued support during these strange times and we hope we can come together as a community to make a difference to everyone around us. Support your local small businesses as best as you can, avoid large crowds and if you feel unwell play it safe and stay at home.
There are some tough times ahead for all of us, everyone will be effected by this but we will persevere and get though the other side. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our team or if you need to speak to one of the dentists we are here to help you.
for more information head to the government website: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert/what-you-need-to-know-about-coronavirus-covid-19
For the month of April, we’re offering a gap free examination, and a $199 clean and polish!
Offer valid until April 30th, new patients and any existing patients that have not been to the practice for over 12 months are eligible.